Julia Francis and Joyce Greenberg present
Big Qi Sound System
Build and move your Qi and relax your nervous system with Qigong and Sound Bath
Monday September 23, 7:30-9pm
Rainier Beach Presbyterian Church
9656 Waters Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118
Big Qi Sound System is an immersive and expansive Qi clearing whole body healing experience.
For one hour, Joyce Greenberg, L.Ac will guide participants in simple Qigong self-healing exercises while Julia Francis synchronizes to the movement with crystal bowl harmonics.
In the last half hour participants will meditate while Julia offers voice toning and a crystal bowl sound bath, bringing deep relaxation to the nervous system and healing on a cellular level. Don’t miss it! No Qigong experience necessary. Celebrate the end of summer by activating and clearing out your energy field and allowing more joy into your system.
Venmo $40 to https://account.venmo.com/u/Julia-Francis-4
include your email address and the comment ‘BIG QI’. You will receive a prompt confirmation.
Pay $40 via Schedulicity: https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/JGABXG/workshops
Learn more about Joyce Greenberg: https://joycegreenberg.com/
Learn more about Julia Francis: https://www.juliafrancis.com/